The Catholic Churches of St. Mary's, Clayton and St. John the Evangelist, Lafargeville

Religious Education

Jenny Barton, Religious Education Coordinator
Phone: 315-686-2638
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kindergarten through 7th grade Religious Education classes are from mid-September through May and usually follow the school calendar. Classes are held on Sundays at 9:30 am at St. Mary's in Clayton. 

Confirmation Prep and Confirmation follow a similar schedule. Please contact Jenny Barton, Director of Religious Ed for more information. 

Please consult the church bulletin for weekly information on class times and activities.

Pre-requisites for Sacramental Preparation
(First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation)

1.   The child must be baptized.
2.   The child & parents should be attending Mass regularly.
3.  The child is expected to be registered and regularly participating in religious education classes in both the current and previous years and will continue to attend after receiving the sacrament

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA is offered for adults who wish to become Catholic.The RCIA process is a time of discernment and education in faith. If God may be calling you join the Catholic Church, speak to the pastor. An Inquiry Session is offered at St. Mary's. It is a no-obligation opportunity to ask questions and explore becoming Catholic.

Faith Enrichment Materials

At the ramp entrance to St. Mary's Church and at the entrance to St. John's Church, there are pamphlets, books, CDs, and prayer cards for individual pray and enrichment.

Vacation Bible School

Both St. Mary's in Clayton and St. John's in LaFargeville join with other churches in their respective communities to offer Vacation Bible School. For one week each summer each of these communities offer an ecumenical program that allows children to enjoy music, games and activities, a snack, and of course, to learn more about Jesus. Contact the Director of Religious Ed for more information.

Catholic School Education

Immaculate Heart Central Schools in Watertown offers Pre-K through 12th grade education. For more information, visit